Tuesday, November 01, 2005

An Update Blows In

Snatched the following from the March/April DTC board this morning:

Thanks for the message. We know that the CCAA has not mailed matches to us, and it sounds like they won't mail later this week. So, early next week is when matches are likely to arrive in our hands and we will then know FOR SURE who was included in this match group. We are not anticipating the CCAA to match beyond the March 31st LID, but hopefully we are wrong with this assumption. We will continue to e-mail our April families as soon as we have additional news. We understand that this is a very difficult situation, so please continue to check in with us each time you have questions and/or concerns.

Best Regards,

I can't say that this clarifies anything but at least it's not "CCAA has decided to suspend all international adoptions at this time." That's something, right?!? It's so weird that they're still not saying for sure that April has been excluded this month. It's also weird that CCAI can't pick up the phone and ask them, "Dudes, what's the 411? Hook me up with some facts and figures, baby." After all, I don't speak Chinese, but the people at CCAI do. Clearly life is full of little mysteries that are not for me to question.

Right now two very polite men are making a great deal of noise outside the office door with a giant, springy, red hose thingo that is pumping insulation into our attic. It's no mystery why they're doing this, however; we hired them to bring us from an R8 to an R30, for which SDG&E will give us a rebate! That's not the real reason, though: we're hoping that the temperature in here will not fluctuate 20 degrees during the course of a single day once there's something forming a barrier between the roof and us. That is our hope. And that's all we've got. ;)

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