Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kinder Play: Bugz

In all the excitement over leaving for San Francisco, I didn't have a chance to post a report about Jarrah's kindergarten play, Bugz, in which she starred as the stink bug. You can watch a bit focusing on her below, or even the whole show at 33 minutes if you are so inclined!

The kids rehearsed hard for weeks, and Jarrah had a brief artistic crisis a few days before in which she buckled under the demands of her weighty role. Not only did she have a lot of lines (which she memorized like an ace) but she had to be the butt of scorn and derision by 82 other bugz. Apparently, the kidz got a little retro and were saying stuff like "Hey, Stinky!" when Jarrah's performance was especially convincing. There was even a moment when she considered stepping down and allowing someone with a thicker skin to understudy.

Luckily, Jarrah's teacher (who could see the dramatic fruit had not fallen far from the performance tree) helped shore her up, and told the offending kidz they were going to lose recess the next time they made fun. Surely a more convincing argument for forbearance was never made in kindergarten.

And, of course, I had a heart-to-heart with my little stink bug. I told her the role was challenging, yes, but that she'd been chosen to play it because she could handle the challenge. I also told her the greatest artists must often live in quiet desperation until their light has a chance to shine. And I finished up with the most important consideration: she had the chance to inhabit the greatest role for women since Hedda Gabler, and she must swallow her tender feelings and play it to the hilt.

I am happy to say she womaned up. (Whaddaya want? I just directed The Vagina Monologues.) And thanks to Sophia T's mom, we were in the front row to see it. Jarrah was loud, proud and clear (a rare quality among the toothless set) and I thought I recognized a little Method happening in her Stinkbug Sulk. With each exit, our illustrious principal was there to high five her, and she was the first person thanked in the program. The kids also sang six songs, a few of which made me cry, and all in all it was a fine evening. I could see that their music teacher, Mr. Sullivan, was so excited to see them do well, and I was touched by that.

We had a post-show dinner with Jarrah's friend Dani and her parents at a neighborhood Italian restaurant that's been around 50 years, and watched the sun set over Cowles Mountain. It felt like our celebratory long weekend had already begun.

Jarrah Highlights:

Full show:


Stephanie said...

Greater inspiration was never given a cuter bug!

Jen said...

Well, that was simply an adorable film! Good for her. She's brilliant! (And good advice you gave her, mom.)

Heather - The Wanna-be Super Mom said...

A more glorious performance, I have never seen!!! Bravo Jarrah!!!

Michelle said...

What a production! You Californians know how to do it up! Wow! :) Jarrah is adorable.