Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Praise the Patron Saint of Dentists

Well, I did it, Readers. Went to the dentist this morning and had my first fillings (two of 'em, upper right) without drugs in about five years. Now don't get too excited--I had Novocaine, of course. I'm not crazy. In fact, it's been nearly three hours and I still can't feel my lips. Is that weird? Do any of you experience Novo-numbness for ridiculous amounts of time?

The happy-joy news is that it DID. NOT. HURT. I mean, it wasn't fun. She had some sort of curious cardboard discs that she wanted to decorate my mouth with--they were wedged into the sides, and one garnished my tongue as a sort of charger plate for an air-sucky device--and those made me want to freak out. The operative words are "want to," though. I didn't. The drill was loud, but I couldn't feel it. Oh, I didn't care for the noxious stink of the sealant at the end--I mean, wasn't I supposed to be breathing through my nose? Again, it was my first time exposed to the concept of sealing the fillings--I swear my last dentist must have gone to Bugs Bunny School of Dentistry.

But again with the NOT HURTING. I lay there and watched (well, the parts I could see around the dentist's head) the movie "New In Town" with Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick, Jr. or at least 45 minutes of it. Luckily, I'll have plenty of chances to find out what happens when I have FOUR MORE APPOINTMENTS. Mostly because I am a wuss and don't want to spend 90 minutes in the chair, like, ever.

But today, I am triumphant. I faced my fear and got through it without crying or hurling any expensive equipment around the room. Baby steps.


Melissa said...

If you are still numb after three hours... the dentist is using the good stuff. :-)

Samantha said...

Mel, it must have been REALLY good--it's only just worn off after 6.5 hours! :)

Logical Libby said...

I would think watching that movie would be the real pain.

The Wades said...

Well done, my friend!

Maybe the dentist wanted to make sure you were nice and numb since you have fear issues.

New In Town is not worth watching in its entirety. (And I love a good chick flick.)

Stephanie said...

Good job! I hate that numb feeling, espcially when it's only half the mouth--makes me feel and look like a stroke victim.

Melanie Sheridan said...

The dentist chair is hell on earth. Orthodontia is a close second. :D Congrats on making it through.

Melanie Sheridan said...

PS - My word verification was laser and I totally read it in Dr. Evil's voice.

Mrs. Chapman's 2nd Grade Class said...

Yea for you! Now there's nothing you can't do!