Friday, January 27, 2006

Monday, Monday

Some folks have been asking so I thought I'd make it official: WE LEAVE MONDAY! That's right, January 30. As in THIS Monday. First stop, Hong Kong, for a few days of pretending to be an ordinary tourist. I woke in the middle of the night with my heart pounding in terror. This is really going to happen. Eek.

I just sorted through our adoption file (it's actually a suitcase) and a year's worth of memories came flooding back: trying to convince a Bank of America teller through bullet-proof glass to write a letter about my fiduciary prospects for parenthood, striking up relationships with notaries and Fed-Ex clerks (and then annoying said clerks by saying "This packet is irreplaceable. Can I just stand here and guard it until the truck comes?"), noisy sighs from the fingerprint people when my pinkie wouldn't cooperate, stating every institutional request with slow enunciation but still getting that intractable shake of the head after the first five words. After a while I just steeled myself for that maddening shake and launched the second line of defense, which was "Please listen carefully to my complete request before saying no, because, frankly, I'm not leaving here until I achieve satisfaction." (Translation: "You are going to help me get this baby if it's the last thing you do!")

This is going to be a mighty weird weekend. We are going to gather those piles all over the house and place them in Ziploc bags and then into as many suitcases as we're allowed. We're going to stuff formula packets and diapers and extra underwear into every nook and cranny of our carry-ons. We're going to the movies, raising a martini glass and sleeping in. We're going to stop the paper and the mail and water the plants and clean out the fridge and take out the trash. And then you know what we're going to do? We're going to get on a plane to China.

And on the way home, our family is going to fill up an entire row of the plane for the first time.


Anonymous said...

So it's actually gonna happen...Wow!
Keep us posted!
Best, Gail

Anonymous said...

I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about your amazing trip. I guess the next time I see you little Jarrah will be in toe.
Big hug!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sam. Your entry today brought tears to my eyes and goose bumps to my whole body. I am so happy for you. I can't even begin to imagine the emotions you're experiencing as these moments that you've been dreaming about are finally becoming real. It's so amazing to imagine your complete family taking up that entire row--how you've worked to get there! Please capture that moment in a photograph if you remember. Have a safe trip. Can't wait to meet your daughter!!!

Anonymous said...

Your post gave me goosebumps! I can't believe that the time has finally come for Ruo-Ruo to come home. I am very much looking forward to seeing a picture of you with your arms full of Jarrah. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip and bring that baby home safe and sound. And post tons of pictures. --Kim

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the day is finally almost upon you! Soak up every minute of the experience. Safe travels!!!!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! Take care of yourselves on the big trip. I'll be thinking of you guys and sending positive energy your way!

Anonymous said...
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