Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

Crazy weather out there! It's been pouring all afternoon. I'm glad I waited until today to water the plants!

Now that a working draft of our packing list is in place, we headed out to fill in the gaps. My mind reels at the idea of forgetting some essential item that would have made Ruo-Ruo happier or more comfortable. Or hell, make her like us more. ;)

But the human condition dictates that I will sweat over that packing list until the cows come home and still have a moment at 2 a.m. where David and I are wringing our hands, Ruo-Ruo is crying, and I am despairing, "If only I had more Benadryl/softer washcloths/goldfish dyed funky colors with food coloring!" David says I should just accept this certainty going in, and be Zen about it. Unfortunately that goes against every fiber of my being, accepting things. ;)

Oh, and our visas arrived! They are like very cool stickers in our passports, with a lovely drawing of the Great Wall of China superimposed behind all the numbers and names and dates and things. And we bought some suitcases today! I'm not sure why, but having visas and suitcases makes it real for the first time that we are going to China. The fact that our daughter happens to be there was somehow not compelling enough evidence for me. ;)

Happy New Year, dear ones! May it be filled with joy.


Anonymous said...

Sam, David, Rou-Rou (Jarrah),
What a year it is going to be! All our love and best wishes for 2006, your first year as a family together. Joan and John

The Wades said...

For a riveting read, I have resorted to going back in the Sam archives. Not resorted really, just want to hear some tantalizing "stuff" and every time I've looked lately, there is no new post! I'm kinda excited about my new adventure in reading. Rou-rou? Was that Jarrah's name while still in China? So much to learn. Happy lurking to me! :)