Thursday, April 26, 2007

What's a Gal Gotta Do...

Lately, Jarrah has become very chatty with restaurant staff. She says hello and tells them what she's been up to. They rarely comprehend, but they smile with varying degrees of politeness or enthusiasm, depending on their day or how they feel about toddlers.

Apparently, she's also been taking notes from the various mommies and daddies who dine with her.

Recently, a waiter stopped by to introduce himself. "What would you like to drink?" he asked.

Said Jarrah: "Coffee, please."

"Make that two," I added. "We've both had an exhausting day."


Jenn said...

That is so fantastic! Isn't amazing what they pick up and repeat back? I can't wait to hear Hadarya speak. Hope to find time for a playdate soon. : ) Thinking of you lots. Jennnifer

Anonymous said...

Now THAT"S a great comeback! :)

Best, Gail

Anonymous said...

She's so your daughter -- to go from only speaking a few words to becoming the straight man in the "Sam and Jarrah show" in only a few months -- next stop, the Catskills! :) Lix