Last night marked the debut of this year's Halloween ensemble: Introducing PIRATE GIRL!
And in the Uncanny Coincidence of 2011, Joy ended up getting the same costume! So cute, though that ramped up the number of "Are they twins?" comments for the evening considerably (probably understandable.)

Their October coming-out party was Legoland's "Brick or Treat," a nighttime spectacular of candy, magic, music and spookiness. In a slightly weird move, we met Mary, Paul and Joy at the annual event (our first time!) at the tail end of our Yom Kippur fast. So David and I were a little woozy until the sun went down and we had scarfed an entire order of Granny's Apple Fries and Cream apiece. (Oh, that might have been a mistake, good as they are. It wasn't even my stomach that felt sick. It was, like, my neurons. Felt like they might burst with the sugar insurgence.)

The "Brick or Treat" trail was very cute and the line wasn't too long. It had individual stations manned (or wo-manned) by a costumed Lego sprite who was all smiles to encounter our matching pirate lasses. Most of the treats were healthy-ish--peanut butter, pretzels, organic juice, energy bars--but I had to laugh when one dude asked J & J to choose between "collector cards and candy." Had she actually stopped to consider this folly before shouting "CAAAAANNNNDDDDY!", she might have said "Are you entirely serious, with that question? Do I look like King Solomon to you? Hand over the candy before I make you walk the plank! AAARRRR!"

Mostly, we just had a lovely evening wandering around, appreciating the super-cool stiltwalkers and bones-players, a fortune teller behind glass named "Brickzini" with some mad improv skillz, and seeing the girls have an absolute blast. And now that Jarrah's pushing seven, I appreciate the opportunity more than ever to just bask in an occasion when she still finds every single thing to be totally magical. Because when she does? I find everything totally magical, too.

P.S. Jarrah volunteered to go on stage with the magician! And David and I missed the entire thing--she was with Paul while we searched for food! AAAARRR! She received a "real" magician's wand and a disgusting-looking marshmallow eyeball for her gumption. Later, she said that the magician kept suggesting she and the other kid up there were getting married. "I kept telling him it wasn't true!" she said, shaking her head like he might have been a little dim. "I said I didn't even know him! But he wouldn't listen."
Wow! Is it time for Halloween yet??! Ugh. MW's costume is barely a glimmer in my eye. haha
Jarrah suddenly looks so grown up!!! Gorgeous little girl. :-)
OMG, they are adorable!
We break out the costume next weekend. Every year the season seems to get longer...
Love it :)
That coincidence is SO FUNNY!!!! And what beauties they are.
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