That's right, dear Readers. Don't make me yell it (because heaven help me, I will, and many times, with increasing volume:)
But let me tell the tale in a more luxurious fashion, as I am wont to do. There were 52 teams entered in the San Diego competition this year. Five were disappeared. Seven more were disqualified for lateness. But every movie that is submitted receives a screening (there are four) at the UltraStar Cinemas and is eligible for the Audience Award, or popular vote, conducted by an exit ballot. Everyone may vote three times, which makes it more fair if one team invites 50 people, for instance. Though the cinematography and acting awards will be pending for some time, the Audience Award is tallied right after each screening.
A big shout-out to Robyn (Hi, Robyn!) for her tireless promotion this year. She and her boyfriend, Steve, created a "vintage" '40s poster we were permitted to display outside the theater. She also made mini-posters, and ballots featuring photos of each cast member, with the question "Guess Whodunnit?" about the fate of our giant bunny. (David designed a DVD of our movie as a prize, but we, um, got distracted and still have it.)
Before the show, most of the cast and crew trolled the crowd, handing out cards and ballots, and best of all, Eva reprised her role as the giant bunny, sweating mightily and nearly blind under all that fur, but making a visual impression the impact of which we may never truly know. At one point, she begged me to let her take it off, but I'm a cruel taskmistress and said no. (We freed her before the films started.)
Robyn also created gorgeous t-shirts for us, with the poster on the front. For the three writers (Robyn, me and Calvin), she included "I'm not married to it." on the back, which became our catch phrase because so many people asked us to cut lines (and sometimes we wanted to chop each others') that the weekend became an exercise in playing nice and sharing with others.
The theater was nearly full, and our film was second to last, so we had a nail-biting wait. It was especially torturous because so few of the films in our group were comedies--lots of horror, fight scenes, and tense drama with scary music. Don't get me wrong--most of them were very well-made; in fact, David (who's in a position to know since his company does the transfers for the screenings) said he's never seen such a uniformly competent group of films. But the laughs were few and far between, and I was in agony waiting for ours.
When it was finally time, people were ripe for some laughs. The bunny emerging from the purse was the first big one. Thrillingly, the laughter kept building, so towards the end they were laughing almost constantly. I sat back and marveled at how gorgeous the lighting and angles were, how masterful the acting, how effective the costumes, how atmospheric the music, how clever the editing, and--wow--how brilliant the dialogue. Who wrote that script? So smart and hilarious, really capturing the stylized flavor of the period and genre. I mean, wow--I was just speechless. I'll stop now.
Afterward, I went to the front of the theater for the Q&A, but there wasn't much Q and I think I got a bit cheated on my A, being at the front of the line and wanting to mind my manners. Never mind--I was just up there to look pretty, I mean, to represent the Cane Toads.
On the way out of the theater, I dropped my ballot in the box, and I could see the two on top had voted for us. Wow. That was like a punch in the stomach, but in a good way. A little voice in my head whispered, "Could it be true? Do they like us, do they really like us?" But I couldn't let myself continue. My people don't do that--it would be unseemly to be optimistic about anything.
We walked next door to the DoubleTree Hotel, where there was a reception for our screening group. Almost everyone from our team was there (though Tyler--sniff--had returned to Seattle on Tuesday. For some reason he thought it was relevant that he, like, LIVES there, and has, like, work or whatever) and we made a big, jolly crowd in one corner. I was perfectly content to laugh and play with our peeps, reliving the best moments of the screening and the overall experience, and believe me when I say I had completely forgotten that we were waiting for a very significant piece of news.
Right. Completely forgotten. So, when, Duane the Organizer entered the room holding some envelopes, it definitely wasn't me who screamed like a bunny (which, if you've never heard a bunny scream, sounds weirdly like a woman.) Without fanfare, he announced the third place winner (that one surprised us a bit) then the second (which I voted for--a sort of super-hero gang/martial arts fest that was really quite funny) and right after that my last thought was "The superhero one came in SECOND? Does that mean we could..." and then Duane was saying something else and I couldn't hear and I said to Lisa, "What did he say?" and she said, "Wild Hare?" and then I heard Duane repeat, louder, "Wild Hare! The Case of the Wild Hare!" and then the rest is fuzzy because I was screaming so loud I almost passed out. We were all jumping up and down and hugging each other and it was like winning an Oscar.

Everyone was lovely. There was some hand-shaking with the competition, and congratulations and protests of "No, it wasn't me, it was YOU" all around. All of it heartfelt and sincerely meant (at least on my end.) We got a certificate. And I took a moment to admire the radiant faces of my fellow team members before a shadow crossed the sun and I suddenly wanted to pat everyone's shoulder and say "Awww. You're getting the idea that you enter the 48 Hour Film Project and fame and glory follows, aren't you? That couldn't be more deluded." I did sort of say it, but not very loud.
And I shouldn't have said it at all. For one night, a girl can dream, can't she? And so can everyone else. We made a movie. It was fun. It was good. The people liked it. And then we won. THE END.
Don't you love that?
Holy Cow! Great Job Sam...and everyone else involved who I don't know whatsoever.
That's so super duper exciting!
Congratulations to you all!
Now, when will we see a link?
I have happy chills all over. You two are the cutest!!! What a good lookin' couple. :) Oh wait, congratulation on the award. I had no doubts. None. I could read it in your last post--the deal was already sealed.
Way to go.
And I've heard a hare scream like a woman--redneck hunting. Please don't think i condone or am a fan, just happened to be there one night. You've seen what goes on in my life. These things can't be avoided.
Can't wait till next year's adventure. Good times. :)
OK, just reread my comment. I can't claim to be anti hunting like that must read. I don't like to hunt, but I think it is OK others do--mostly.
There. Now I feel better.
Woo hoo!!!!! Good for you! Yay!
I wanna see this film!
And can I just say that the picture of you and David is a real keeper. You look absolutely radiant and gorgeous!
Miss J
Good for you!!! Congratulations. :-)
Wooohooo!!! Congratulations! So exciting!
Also...just wanted to tell you that you look fabulous in the pics!!
Congrats on a film well executed and presented from Kate, Ian and Violet.
That's fabulous! I know how big this is for you guys congrats! When can we see it?
You perfectly captured the feeling of the night, Sam! It was amazing and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. Thanks for putting in writing what I've been thinking for days!!
Fantastic! So pleased for you both and all the team. How do you top that next time?? Just do it again, I guess.
Lots of love,
I am so super duper happy for you guys. I know from last year how much work you all put in to this!
A well deserved award! Did I tell you that I knew at the screening it was in the bag?
Oh, & yea, you are such an amazing writer!
I can't wait to see it again!
Thank you, thank you all, you lovely people! Hugs to each and every one of you! And have you heard the news? WE MADE IT INTO THE BEST OF SAN DIEGO! Woohoo! That means we get another screening tonight, and it also means that the judges liked us as much as the audience did! Did I mention WOOHOO?!?
Yay Samantha (and team)!
To think...I knew you when... :)
I wish I could be there to see the screening, but I'll have to content myself with the online version which you all had better post. Please, please, please.
[Walks away sighing, "My writing has been reviewed by an award-winning screenwriter. Wow." And I mean it sincerely!]
I do. Love it, that is. Congratulations, can't wait to see it!
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