Happy Valentines Day! When I got home from Nia last night, David and Jarrah were decorating these lovely cookies (and may I add, they're quite delish.) Can you spot the "J" amongst the hearts? David even figured out how to dye the frosting without food coloring. (Hint: There were no beets involved.)
This was the first time I've seen Jarrah appreciate the point of decorating, and she patiently shook out sprinkles for the entire batch. She especially liked the black ones, adding that black is her new favorite color. (A goth phase in our future?) I told her how when she was two, she once cried when I placed a cookie to decorate in front of her, obviously feeling this was some kind of cruel tactic to stall her eating the cookie. Mom, she said. That was a long time ago, when I was only a baby.
Those are great!!
How sweet they made cookies together! And how fortunate that they were good!
Haha. Those are adorable cookies, and picture.
Jarrah telling you she was young back then, PRICELESS.
weren't we all, that long, long time ago...
How precious that Jarrah baked with her dad! What a neat experience that she'll have to carry with her. (Glad for you that the cookies were tasty!)
What a sweet daddy! I think they did a beautiful job. Good job, J and her helper.
Gabi says that to me all the time! It makes me laugh out loud every time.
Those cookies look so good. I'm already sick of all the fruity deserts over here in Brasil and would gladly welcome a regular ol' cookie with frosting. MMMM.
Today was super fun! And those cookies are so cute! She did a great job!
Happy Valentine's to you all!
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